Associate of Science in Computer Information Systems Online

Learn essentials for a career in the rapidly growing field of commercial software with this versatile online credential.

Apply By: 5/6/25
Start Class: 5/19/25
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Program Overview

Gain in-demand skills in our AS in Computer Information Systems

The Associate of Science in Computer Information Systems seamlessly integrates fundamental technical knowledge with a robust liberal arts foundation centered on enhancing your soft skills in technology and communication. The program will introduce you to the application of commercial software in various business functions, providing a practical understanding of its role in the modern workplace.

You will study IT infrastructure, encompassing clients, servers, network devices and systems software, as well as the system development cycle. Moreover, you will become equipped with knowledge related to Java, object-oriented programming and the development of applications.

As a graduate of this program, you will be prepared to:

  • Identify and apply essential concepts to solve computer information systems problems
  • Know the technology, people and organizational components of information systems
  • Understand IT infrastructure, including clients, servers, network devices and systems software
  • Identify and apply essential concepts to solve computer information systems problems
  • Know the technology, people and organizational components of information systems
  • Understand IT infrastructure, including clients, servers, network devices and systems software

Career opportunities:

  • Network and computer systems administrator
  • Computer programmer
  • Database administrator
  • Computer systems analyst
  • Network and computer systems administrator
  • Computer programmer
  • Database administrator
  • Computer systems analyst

Also available:

At Florida Tech, we offer a variety of in-demand online programs that prepare you with relevant skills for your career of choice. Take a look at our other undergraduate programs.

At Florida Tech, we offer a variety of in-demand online programs that prepare you with relevant skills for your career of choice. Take a look at our other undergraduate programs.

Per Credit Hour $532.50*
Transfer Credits Up to 45
Credit Hours 61
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Budget your tuition with pay-by-the-course plans

Tuition for the AS in Computer Information Systems is affordable. Take advantage of our pay-by-the-course system, so you can manage your budget as you pursue your degree. Technology fees are included in the total tuition.

Tuition breakdown:

Per Credit Hour $532.50*


See our full academic calendar

The AS in Computer Information Systems online program is ideal for working students. Choose from multiple start dates and complete your degree at the pace that best fits your schedule.

TermStart DateApp DeadlineDocument DeadlineRegistration DeadlineTuition DeadlineClass End DateTerm Length
Spring 2 20253/17/253/3/253/10/253/12/253/14/255/11/258 Weeks
Summer 20255/19/255/6/255/6/255/14/255/16/257/13/258 weeks
Fall 1 20258/18/258/5/258/5/258/13/258/15/2510/12/258 weeks
Fall 2 202510/20/2510/7/2510/7/2510/15/2510/17/2512/14/258 weeks

Now enrolling:

Next Apply Date 5/6/25
Start Class 5/19/25

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Admission guidelines for the AS in Computer Information Systems

At Florida Tech, we’ve streamlined the admission process to help you get started quickly. Please read the requirements for the AS in Computer Information Systems online program.

  • Completed application
  • For freshman: Official transcripts from a high school or equivalent (GED or certificate of completion, must bear date of graduation)
  • For transfers: Official transcripts from all accredited colleges/universities attended
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5

Official transcripts, test scores and other documents should be sent to:

Mail address:
Office of Admissions
150 W. University Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901

Admission Requirements

  • 2.5 GPA
  • No application fee
  • Official transcripts


Study topics for the AS in Computer Information Systems

For the AS in Computer Information Systems online, the curriculum comprises 61 credit hours, including 30 credit hours of major courses and 30 credit hours of general education core courses.

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 1
Helps students new to Florida Tech and online learning to adjust to the university and acquire essential academic survival skills (online classroom behavior, academic honesty, study skills, etc.) that enhance academic integration into college. Requirement for all Florida Tech Online students

Students choose CIS 1501 and CIS 2501, or CIS 1502 and CIS 2503.

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduces information systems, their key components, and how these components can be integrated and managed. Discusses how information is used in organizations and how information systems improve quality, efficiency and agility. Also introduces system development concepts, technology acquisition, and prevalent and emerging software systems.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Uses commercial software to understand the business functions of computers and develop personal competency in practical application of computers in business. Provides specific knowledge and advanced capabilities in various skills necessary for effective performance in academic and practical environments.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Includes the role of the Internet and the Web in electronic commerce. Examines Web server hardware and software tools. Addresses electronic payment, security, the regulatory environment and Web-based marketing.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Provides the opportunity to design, implement and document the system development cycle. Includes analysis of current systems, logical and physical systems design, program development, testing, implementation, maintenance and documentation.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduces the concepts that aid in understanding both aggregate economic conditions and the policy alternatives designed to stabilize national economies. Includes the determination of GDP and national income, inflation, unemployment, monetary policy, economic growth and exchange rates.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Provides the fundamental principles in the marketing of goods, services and ideas. Includes planning, pricing, promotions and distribution. Focuses on global marketing, marketing ethics and managing the marketing function.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduces Visual Basic® for information processing and problem solving. Uses algorithms and computer logic to translate data into information through structured design, coding, testing and program debugging.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduces object-oriented programming and the development of applications for the Internet. Includes programming language, coding, testing and debugging. Covers Java™ programs to perform interactive input operations and customized screen output.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Covers the launch and effective navigation of Visual Basic® 6 IDE. Includes rapid prototype user interface applications (tool tips, exception handling and error messaging), compiling and distributing executable applications, linking to external databases and the use of SQL select queries. Also includes object-oriented programming.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Continues CIS 1502 Programming in JavaTM. Covers advanced topics such as inheritance, generics, interfaces, exception handling, recursion and the Java libraries. Also covers sorting and searching. Second in a two-course sequence.

Requires COM 1101 Composition and Rhetoric or WRI 1001 First-Year Writing 2COM 1102 Writing About Literature and select one additional 3-credit communication course.

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
The first of two courses in college-level writing skills. Focuses on writing essays using various rhetorical modes: persuasion, description, comparison and analysis. Presents basic methods of library research, as well as the MLA documentation system. Students write one research paper and several essays.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Continues work begun in WRI 1000 First-Year Writing 1. Includes study in rhetorical analysis and the conventions of various genres. Also includes intensive instruction in writing and revision of work that culminates in a research paper.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
The second of two courses in college-level writing skills. Focuses on reading and analyzing poems, plays and short works of fiction. Students write several essays and one research paper on literary topics.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Practice in the technical and scientific writing style and format, including gathering and using data to prepare reports. Includes abstracts, reports, letters, technical descriptions, proposals and at least two oral presentations.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Designed for the future business professional. Includes business research methods, report writing, business correspondence and communication in the workplace. Covers analytical, informational, routine and special reports.

Select one course (3 credits) from the following options. 

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduces civilization from its early development to the European Renaissance. Emphasizes the interpretation of primary texts that reflect the intellectual and historical changes in society. The first of two interdisciplinary courses

Select one course (3 credits) from the following options. 

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Similar in purpose and method to HUM 2051, continues the interpretation of primary texts, emphasizing the Renaissance period, the Enlightenment, Romanticism and the Modern Age.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Examines the major ideas, ideals and events that have determined the American experience in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Surveys key philosophical problems that occupied philosophers in the modern period and today. Emphasizes the analysis of theories by modern and contemporary philosophers on issues such as the nature of knowledge, facts versus values, personal identity, and consciousness in their historical context.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Elementary coverage of discrete mathematics. Includes logical arguments, mathematical induction in proofs, sets and relations (extension to functions and their properties), elementary counting principles (inclusion-exclusion), permutations and combinations.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Real-number system; arithmetic operations with polynomials, special products and factoring; linear, fractional and quadratic equations; inequalities, exponents, radicals and absolute values; functions and graphs; and complex numbers, logarithms, logarithmic and exponential functions
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Emphasizes mathematical concepts. Includes measures of central tendency and spread; probability; binomial, normal and t distributions; statistical inference; and linear regression and correlation.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Presents basic aeronautical factors affecting aircraft design and performance. Major topics include atmospheric properties, lift, drag, thrust, aircraft performance, stability and control, high-speed aerodynamics, operating strength limitations, and aerodynamics of specific flying problems.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduces the concepts and applications of the physical sciences for non-science majors. Includes the processes and history of science, thermodynamics, electricity, waves, chemical reactions, nuclear energy, relativity and the formation of the Earth and the universe.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduces the concepts and applications of the biological sciences for non-science majors. Includes cell structure, function and reproduction, genetics and genetic engineering, evolution and the environmen

Select one course (3 credits) from the following options. 

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Overviews psychological processes, including both areas in which psychology is a natural science (physiological psychology, sensation and perception, basic learning and cognition) and a social science (motivation, human development, personality, social interaction, psychopathology and psychotherapy).
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Offers an interdisciplinary viewpoint of the many ways in which human beings function as individuals, members of larger groups and members of particular cultures. Explores the disciplines of sociology, psychology and criminology in seeking to understand and explore human behavior.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduces the contemporary social issues such as poverty, unemployment, energy, pollution, sexual deviance, drugs and crime. Includes causes, interactions, policy and possible solutions

Select two courses (6 credits) from the following courses. 

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduces the financial environment, financial statements, the accounting cycle and the theoretical framework of accounting measurement, emphasizing mechanics, measurement theory and the economic environment.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Continues EAC 2211. Emphasizes understanding the role of accounting in product costing, costing for quality, cost-justifying investment decisions, and performance evaluation and control of human behavior.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Explores the nature of the organization’s communications environments. Provides an understanding and practical experience about the various strategies and formats available when developing responsive communications in organizational situations. Includes oral and nonverbal communication and the composition of effective business documents.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduces the concepts that aid in understanding both aggregate economic conditions and the policy alternatives designed to stabilize national economies. Includes the determination of GDP and national income, inflation, unemployment, monetary policy, economic growth and exchange rates.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Investigates the operational responsibilities of individuals in light of political, moral, social, ethical and jurisprudential considerations.

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